Setback in my running training (in the second week)


The second week was harder than the first week


I was very excited about my progress during the first week. Yet, soon I experienced a setback. I even couldn’t run 3 miles. Just 2.5 miles on Tuesday, 2.75 miles on Thursday, and 2 miles on Sunday. I struggled a lot but accepted this process.

During the weekend, I even gave me permission to sleep more -until 7am-. Also, I took ibuprofen.


Practicing energy breathing


During the setback, I started to practice ki-energy breathing out of desperation. Whenever I took rest or fell asleep, I focused on my breathing and energy circulation.

As I breathe in, I focus on moving energy starting from my tailbone upward along the spine. Eventually, the energy reaches the center of my brain (pineal gland).

As I breathe out, I focused on moving energy from the beneath of my nose down to the lower abdomen along the chest and upper belly.

Soon after starting the breathing, I feel my body get warmer and find balance. Then, I take a deep rest.

This breathing helped me a lot. It’s my ancestors’ wisdom for thousands of years.


I feel I’m recovered this week.


Now my third week started. I ran 3 miles this morning. I feel I ran faster today than my first week. Improved a lot.

I already feel lots of benefits from running. When I finish my third-week training, I will write all the benefits I’m gaining. I’m enjoying the journey more than the goal itself.


Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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