Self-Coaching for My New Direction

Why did I do self-coaching?

In February, when I talked to people, I often found myself giving advice on their websites. After taking my advice, they appreciated my suggestions so much. They said my simple explanation helped them to understand how it works and what they improve. This same case repeated again and again: our conversations ended up talking about their website or blog.

After giving my fifth consultation about a website, I started to ask myself, “Very interesting. Why does the same situation repeat?”

Then, I started to coach myself because there must be reasons. I examined my current skills, resources, environments, market, and my vision. After my self-coaching, I got an inevitable conclusion.


Starting a Web Design Business!

As I continue the self-coaching, I made the new mission statement for the new direction:

“By providing modern and affordable web design & SEO services, we support our thriving local businesses. Every business deserves a website serving its purpose.”

My wife loved my ideas. Soon, both of us became co-founders of the web design company.


The Exciting Month

The excitement enabled me to keep working until after midnight for a month.

We’ve been working to:

Decide the company name and Register the domain:

register DBA: Kauai eBiz

Design the logo, the website & the name card

Open the social media accounts

Set up SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Design 2 more websites for our portfolio!

And, we start to talk to people about our new service.

What a crazy month!
Excitement, hope, and conviction generated an enormous energy.


Two Main Reasons Why We Are Excited

There are 2 main reasons why we got that much excited.

First, the island of Kauai has helped us a lot. After leaving the organization where we worked for more than 10 years, we needed to recalibrate our belief and recharge our energy. Kauai provided us with a perfect space to nurture our souls with her pristine nature. Now it’s the time for us to pay back her favors.

Second, we will have chances to meet many local business owners. The history of the island fascinated us. Many of the local business owners are the descendants of the main characters in the history. Meeting with them will grow us and guide us to the next stage of our journey.

Every day, when I meditate, those visions gets clearer. I feel very grateful to be given this opportunity.


My Next Plan:

I will continue to write my blog and send the newsletter as usual.

Also, I will focus on assisting people in a specific area in more practical ways. In our new website,, I will explain how to make a compelling website, how to brand yourself & your business, how to write your business story, and so on. If you’re interested in making your own website or branding your own business someday, please visit the website and subscribe our newsletter.


My Services Will Change

Some of you are subscribing my Distance Energy Support Service. It’s been my best-selling service but I decide not to accept registrations anymore for this transitioning. Don’t worry. I will do my best to support all my clients who registered already. I do meditate every day and they will be the part of my ritual.


Thank you for reading my article. I wish you also have a great journey in 2018!


Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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