October Reflection and November Planner 2019 – Meditation & Consciousness

My Awakening in October 2019 – Meditation & Consciousness


Consciousness is like pure light. The pure light doesn’t have a color.
When we see something, it’s just a reflection of the object. The pure light becomes distorted by the object when it’s reflected. So, we become easily confused about who we are. We are the consciousness, pure light itself.

Meditation is a state of being
Conscious of pure light
Detached from deflections.

I am in the seat of consciousness.
I am aware of my thoughts, emotions, physicality,
and surroundings.
Things are shown to me
Because I have my duty
To improve them,
Even though I’m not attached to them.

I exist in this seat of consciousness
In order to create a better world
Perceived in my awareness.

Memorable keywords

Building Hey Kauai – a News website, JavaScript Coding
Chamber of Commerce – I joined it and attended the first meeting
Crystal Grid & Setting an altar at home

November Planner Template 2019


My focus in November will be preparing Dong-Ahn-Guh, the winter meditation retreat.

Here are my November Planner templates 2019.

▶ Download PDF format

▶ Download Google Sheets (Editable format – you can make a copy on your Google Drive, or you can download it as an Excel file)

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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