November Reflection and December Planner 2019


My Awakening in November 2019 – the law of energy conservation and exchange


Energy is conserved. None of them is waste. I made a community news website in November. I’m sure it started contributing to the community at a certain level. After finishing the website, I received several job requests. And 4 new clients in a week. When my efforts contribute to improving somebody’s life, it’s paid back in an appropriate way.

We purchased airplane tickets to Korea in March. It’s a big gateway for us to grow and reach out to the new world.


Memorable keywords in November

Dong-Ahn-Guh (Winter Meditation Retreat) begins – studying harder
Hey Kauai Launched / Business card
Ticketing Airplanes to Korea in March 2020
Driver’s License Gold Star
Ordered Robo Vacuum and Alexa Speaker

November Reflection and December Planner 2019


December Planner Template 2019


My focus in December will be designing the new websites as if I design mine.
I will read more books and spend more time to reflect 2019 & plan for 2020.

Here are my December Planner templates 2019.

▶ Download PDF format

▶ Download Google Sheets (Editable format – you can make a copy on your Google Drive, or you can download it as an Excel file)


Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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