Need Some Hope for 2021? Watch This.

It’s the second week of January. In January, we usually feel excited and hopeful but it feels a little different this year, right? Lots of frustrations and anger. 

January is a time to set your intention for the year and make a plan.

Let me share my idea. January is an important month. How you feel and what you think in January usually influence the whole year. So, January is a time to set your intention for the year and make a plan. I know that the plan may not work, but it’s the process of planning that creates the new energy to influence the year. It will ignite your passion to create the new year.

The pandemic will not last forever. We will overcome it in a couple of years. When it’s done, the time will determine who is prepared and who is not prepared for the new opportunities. It depends on how we prepare ourselves this year, 2021.

Let me share with you one hopeful story. 

Caterpillars transforming to butterflies.

We planted a lilikoi plant last year. The vine grew quickly and provided shelters for a lot of creatures. One day, I found that caterpillars showed up and were eating the leaves. My wife, Mary, told me, “Let them grow. They are butterflies.” Right? They are butterflies. So, I changed my mind. And then, soon after that, they started transforming into the chrysalis and butterflies. So, not all of them become butterflies. Some chrysalis failed and turned dark and dry. Some of them were born with deformed wings. But dozens of butterflies were born in our lanai.

Especially last December, I found one chrysalis on the other side of the lanai. You know, just let you know, here is Hawaii, and the temperature in December is 80 degree Fahrenheit or 27 degree Celsius still, you know. So, the caterpillar must have fallen from the vine and crawled and it found another plant which is an orchid. I was amazed when I found it. I curiously watched it for a few weeks. Then, in the Christmas week, it made it. A beautiful healthy butterfly was born. You know, when the butterfly comes out of the bag, it spreads wings and dries them for about thirty minutes. Then they fly. 

Did you know that they completely transform themselves during the chrysalis period? Inside of the bag, they literally become soup and restructure internal organs, legs, wings and eyes. Look at these eyes. Caterpillars cannot see images. They only sense light. But, these butterfly eyes are designed for aviation with wide-range of vision. They completely change, transform.

None of them gave up.

So, what I learned from this was that none of them gave up. I never discovered that one single caterpillar gave up. They just did their best. And they could make it because they didn’t give up. Probably our 2020 is like the caterpillar which fell down on the ground. Maybe we are crawling on the ground, but soon we will be able to find another plant and accomplish our transformation. It’s only possible when we don’t give up.

Isn’t it amazing? So, let me suggest you. If you still didn’t have a chance to look back to 2020 and plan for 2021, why don’t you make time and think about it. You know, the moment you take an action, your energy will change. As you look back and make a plan, if you have any questions, you can visit my website and then contact me. I will do my best to help you.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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