My First Marathon Training 2021

My first marathon training tips mileage

My marathon race already started on Day 1 of my training. Now I can’t stop until I cross the finish line.

As I handle my challenges during the training, I develop my determination and perseverance as well as my focus on the goal. This training applies to how I handle my life’s challenges and how I focus on my goal.

First Marathon Tips for Myself

  • Mental strength is 70% and physical strength is 30%. Even the 30% physical strength can be trained only by the mental strength.
  • Preparation and recovery are as important as actual running.
  • My goal is the distance, not the time. (Don’t run too fast)
  • Use less energy to take each step.
  • Make less impact and less noise when stepping on the road.
  • At the moment a foot lands on the ground, absorb the impact and convert it to the energy bouncing back.
  • Run tall and graceful. Running low and stiff generates frictions. Float as light as a motor boat.
  • Run as if floating in the water. The body is like a boat and the feet are like propellers. Roll rhythmically and minimize frictions.

How to run (as simple as how to breathe)

  • Straighten the spine and lean forward by bending the ankle.
    • Make sure to bend only ankles, not the spine or lower back.
  • Before losing balance and falling on the ground, step one foot forward.
    • Use minimum energy to find the best running posture.
  • When the foot lands on the ground, absorb the impact and convert it to the energy kicking the ground backward.
    • Generate minimum impact and minimum noises.
    • Convert each impact to the spark ignition for the next step.
    • While I kick back, my body rolls slightly as if I perform freestyle swim. (Twist the upper body clockwise and counter-clockwise.) Yet, rolling should be subtle.
  • As the body moves forward, roll the upper body and move the other foot forward.
  • Repeat this process.

I run to master the gravity.

The Earth creates gravity. The mass of the earth consists of the masses of soils, rocks, minerals, crystals, metals and lava. It includes gold, diamond, quartz, copper and many more valuable minerals. I feel all those valuable minerals are attracting my body.

As I run, I feel the earth. And, I practice to master the gravity. Gravity doesn’t hinder my movement or my consciousness. Mastering it is the only way to find the freedom. If I can’t escape from it, master it.

My First Marathon Training Mileage Log

My marathon training started in March. I made my first marathon training plan. It’s a 27 week program and the total mileage is 655.2 miles.

When I trained for a half marathon in 2019, I ran 212 miles for 19 weeks in total. Click here to see my half marathon training mileage.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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