My Dreams Showed Me What’s Happening in My Subconscious Mind

A dream has been a fascinating topic to me. What I mean is the dream that we dream while we sleep.When I was 13 years old, I used to experienced many strange dreams. They’re precognitive dreams. when I dreamt something, I saw the exact same scenes or situations I saw in my dreams during the daytime. I couldn’t explain how it happened. When it happened, I just felt clicked on the moment and it felt like time stopped for a second. I suddenly felt clear and thought, ‘OMG, I saw this exact scene in my dream last night.’ ‘How can it be possible?’ ‘Is my future already decided?’ I couldn’t understand nor explain this phenomenon.

But experiences were stronger than a logical or scientific mind. I trusted my dreams since then. (Later as I studied Jungbub, I understood what had happened.)

When I grew up and studied at a university, my precognitive dreams disappeared. I admit that I missed those dreams at the time. It gave me a sense of guidance and protection. I think my mind became too busy as I grew up, and I enjoyed pursuing new academic studies and meeting new people on the campus.

When I became 38 years old, my interests in my dreams revived. At the time, I lived and worked in Catskill Mountain, Upstate New York. The forest, waterfalls, and lakes in the mountain area were magical. Probably, the connection with nature gave me a space to look into my subconscious mind.

I practiced remembering my dreams and started writing my dream journal. While I wrote my dream for a day, it didn’t say much. But a couple of weeks later, when I read back my journal, I could find a bigger story connecting each dream. My dreams were connected with each other even though each of them looked like a separate story.

The dream journal showed me a bigger map for my subconscious journey. When I became busy at my work, I couldn’t focus on my dream journal. However, whenever I felt major changes or growth in my life, I paid attention to my dreams and wrote a dream journal.

I want to share some of my dreams in this journal for a few days. Dreams can be easily erased from our conscious mind. So, before I forget them forever, I will record them here.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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