If you want to achieve something, be the person who deserves it


My second day since adopting the new morning routine.


It’s my second day since adopting my new early morning routine. Very tired and sore. Not because I woke up early, but because I overworked yesterday.

When I didn’t set my wake-up time, I didn’t realize how much tired I was because I could stay in bed as much as my body needed.

But, now as I decided not to compromise my wake-up time, I can observe the condition of my body and energy.

I need to balance my working hours. I shouldn’t have spent too much energy for work. Instead, I need to spend time to develop myself. It’s because if I want to achieve something, I should be the person who deserves it.


If you want to achieve something, be the person who deserves it


This is a powerful insight. It motivates us from the deep inside. We work hard to achieve something. Yet, if we’re not ready to achieve it, it never happens. Even if it happens to happen, it will disappear soon because we are not ready to utilize it well.

Many thought leaders talked about it.

Tai Lopez said that “To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. If you want success (money, health, etc), you will need to be worth a damn and you need to deserve it (your lifestyle, habit, knowledge, self-esteem, etc).”

In Jungbub, they say “Equip yourself first. If you’re chasing something (money) now, it means that you’re weaker than that (money). If you equip yourself properly (with knowledge), then that (money) will come to you because your mass attracts it (money). As long as you’re chasing something (money) without equipping yourself, you will never get it.”

Jim Rohn said, “Our levels of success will rarely exceed our level of personal development, because success is something we attract by who we become.”

My morning routine inspires me a lot because it’s the time for me to develop myself. Then, the rest of my day in my outer world will reflect what I’m developing inside.


Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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