Dong-ahn-guh Day 81 & 82 – High Wind from Northwest on Kauai


My Jungbub Journal – Eighty First & Second Day of Dong-ahn-guh (winter meditation retreat)


High Wind from Northwest on Kauai


(continuing from the last journal)
We had a strong wind last weekend. It was tough.

After we moved the bed to the living room, we could sleep better. Still, our curtains flew constantly. My parents in law and their friend couple stopped by our house. Mother in law said that they looked like poltergeists as witnessing the curtains fly here and there.

Mary and I didn’t do anything on Sunday. Just stay around the bed. She watched Netflix or read a book when the internet is disconnected. I fixed our website and played a baseball game on my phone.


This High Wind is a disguised blessing


When I meditated, I realized that it’s a blessing. On this island, I could feel a lot of tension and the risky atmosphere was building.

As I journaled on New Year’s Day, people got crazy. The firework was very intense this year. It sounded like and looked like a war between two crazy mobs.

After that, we could hear a lot of sirens of ambulances in January. Also, witnessed many car accidents which caused major traffic jams.

We have only one major road around the island. When it’s blocked we can’t move. On one Sunday, an accident of two pickup trucks blocked the road on the south side of the island for 12 hours.

This year my greeting to my wife changed. I always added, “Drive safely” or “Defence driving”.

What I realized is that this strong wind released this tension. The nature’s power broke down the crazy spirits on this island. Finally, the pressure of the atmosphere calmed down.

After the wind slowed down on Monday morning, I cleaned the house. And I presented my gratitude to the universe for protecting my family, my neighbors, and the Hawaiian islands. Chanted Chun-bu-kyung three times. It was very empowering.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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