Dong-ahn-guh Day 73 & 74 – Migrating the website


My Jungbub Journal – Seventy Third & Fourth Day of Dong-ahn-guh (winter meditation retreat)


Migrating the website


Finally, I migrated the website on Saturday night and fixed missing links and images on Sunday. It’s a big job. Especially for a big website like this.

I found out 2 interesting things during the migration.

The one thing is that their hosting company is awful. They charge 3 times more than other major hosting companies do. They don’t do customer service well. For example, the client has paid SSL certificate for several years but they never installed it for the client. They just forwarded the links for the manual to the client. It’s not customer service at all. Just “DIY if you can” style. And, the server is so slow. After I migrate it, the new site’s speed dropped from 2.6 sec to 6.5 sec.

The other thing is that this kind of hosting company is still doing business which surprised me. It’s very interesting. Major hosting companies compete for each other. Their customer services are awesome, technologies improved a lot. They even provide free SSL certificates. Most of all, the price is much lower. In this market, the reason why that hosting company can survive is that people are still using it. The clients don’t have information and don’t know how to switch because it involved lots of technical aspects. I felt sorry to my client.

My client’s hosting company is Media Temple. I don’t know why, but many websites on this island are hosted by Media Temple. My client is paying about $330 every year (about $250 for hosting + $80 for SSL). Bluehost charges just $90 per year including SSL and email service.

The site is migrated well except SSL certificate. Even they have paid for it for several years, it still doesn’t work. When I checked it, it said: “the certificate is expired”. Poor thing. I send them my final report. Hope they fix them and improve the situation.

When I work on a website, I feel like helping a lot of other issues of the organization/business. In this case, I’m helping them a lot. I already decided not to work to make money but to support neighbors and society. Instead of charging my extra hours, I accept it as my study. I’m learning about each organization/business/industry.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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