Dong-ahn-guh Day 55 – My birthday on the lunar calendar


My Jungbub Journal – Fifty Fifth Day of Dong-ahn-guh (winter meditation retreat)


My birthday on the lunar calendar


Yesterday was the worst day for my sickness. Definitely I start to feel better today.

And today is my birthday. I don’t count the lunar calendar, so I didn’t know until my father sent me a Kakao message in our family group. All our family members sent me a happy birthday message.

My birthday is the ninth night of the twelveth moon on the lunar calendar. I was born right after midnight so my birthday is the tenth day of the twelveth moon.

At night, I came out to the lanai and looked up the moon. It’s a beautiful waxing moon. It will be a full moon in five days.

It felt like the moon was talking to me. Probably because it’s the same moon that watched me being born 47 years ago. I sent my gratitude to the moon, to the starry sky, to the people whom I love, to the neighbors, and to the society.

It felt like the time is coming. The time for me to start my mission. Music of the spheres is aligning and orchestrated together to support me when I’m ready.

I have three more years to prepare. Will establish my foundation until 2021. Then, my time will come in 2022. I will be 50 years old.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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