Dong-ahn-guh Day 29 – How to practice silence training while writing my business blog


My Jungbub Journal – Twenty-nineth Day of Dong-ahn-guh (winter meditation retreat)


How to practice silence training while writing my business blog


I was focusing on writing my business blog today. Our business site is getting popular because of our blog. The blog is about Web Design, SEO, and Digital Marketing on Kauai. Many businesses on Kauai have outdated websites. And they believe obsolete information about Internet Marketing which doesn’t work anymore.
We want to help them to improve their online presence.

Blogging is one of our main focuses next year. It will grow our business a lot because we provide valuable information that business owners want.

On the other hand, I decided to practice silence training for my personal growth. During the silence training, I won’t express my opinion because today’s answer may not be tomorrow’s answer. Without seeking quick and immature conclusion, I will just observe and study from the situation. And, I will continue journaling and keep writing down my observation and awakening.

Yet, when I blog, I have to express my opinion and judgment. What’s right, what’s wrong, what works, what doesn’t work. That contradicts to the silence training.

Now I’m setting a guideline for the silence training. I won’t express my opinion about life, spirituality, relationship, society or even about my previous organization. I will learn from what happens in my life.

Yet, the only thing that I’ll speak about is my business. Web Design, SEO & Digital Marketing. I will write a blog, write an e-book and give lectures about the topic. Except for my business, I’m a student of life and learn from it with humility for the next three years.


Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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