Breathing Training: I will continue the breathing training but stop journaling.

I started this 100 day breathing training when I began my new business. The business required a lot of preparation and time. Now I’m regularly attending two farmers markets a week and expanding distribution via retail stores.

Now that my business is taking off, I can’t find the time to write my journal and post it on the website any more. So I have decided to stop journaling. Yet, I still continue my breathing training. Actually after 3 weeks of the training, it became a part of my life. I experienced lots of benefits from breathing and it plays an important role in my business. 

My dahn-jon became a fuel tank for my business activities. Of course, cash balance is the fuel for the business but my activities such as manufacturing process, planning, how to interact with my customers and vendors, and how to take care of obstacles require energy. As I build up my dahn-jon, I feel a strong and stable energy source to move forward.

Also, since I built the energy circuit during the training, my breathing became boring. I don’t mean it’s negative. I meant that it’s hard to write the subtle nuance in a journal every day. It’s like sowing a seed and watering the pot. The energy circuit is like a seed in my dahn-jon. Breathing is like providing water, sunlight and oxygen to the seed. I don’t see any changes on the surface but something miraculous is happening inside on a genetic level. I feel the changes on many levels in my life. My thinking, speaking, sleeping, working, interacting with people, and communicating with my surroundings have subtly changed.

From now on, if I have a significant experience, I will post it on this website not to forget it later.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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