Breathing Training Day-9: Expansion of my lower abdomen

Every day when I begin my breathing, it feels like nothing has changed or improved since I started the training. It’s not much different than the sensation of the first day training. 

This is a trap. It happens only in the beginning of the breathing. Instead of getting frustrated, patiently get into the breathing and find the rhythm. Today I realized that I could get into the rhythm quicker than before. Breathing is like growing a plant. I won’t see any difference each day. Yet if I take care of the plant patiently, I will see how much it has grown in a couple of weeks.

Today I paid attention to myeong-mun when I breathed in. Soon I could feel the sensation of the in-coming energy through myeong-mun. It’s a smooth, warm, and bright feeling. When I breathed out, I paid attention to dahn-jon, inside of my lower abdomen. In the beginning, it felt heavy, rough, and dark. 

I continued breathing and exchanging energy. This process requires patience. At one point, my dahn-jon started to expand. It felt like a perineum pulled down my abdomen, hip joints pulled out, pelvis expanded, both sides of waist expanded to each side. Whole area of my lower abdomen expanded. At this point, mucus inside of my brain flew down through the nose and throat. Next time, I need to prepare a tissue box next to my seat before sitting down.

Through the energy exchange, my internal energy changed a lot. Smoother, warmer and brighter.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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