Breathing Training Day-13: Deep connection vs superficial feelings

Sometimes we feel so empty inside that even after we finish a meal, we feel hungry. Just eating more doesn’t satisfy the emptiness. Likewise we feel so thirsty that even after drinking a couple of glasses of water, we still feel thirsty.

Today I couldn’t find a chance to sit and practice breathing. I felt exhausted, hungry and thirsty even after dinner. Finally I could sit down and practice breathing in the evening.

After warming up, my dahn-jon expanded. My nostrils and brain opened up. I felt a deep connection with my core. Soon, I realized that the feeling of emptiness, hunger and thirst came from a superficial level. When my awareness passed the surface layer and dived into my core, or dahn-jon, those feelings disappeared. 

Soon I felt warm and my mouth was filled with warm moisture. As my dahn-jon expanded, my head expanded. As my dahn-jon contracted, so did my head. I enjoyed the deep connection and the relaxing rhythm.

At the end of the breathing, I felt light numbness on my legs. It happens when my dahn-jon expands into the next level and the old stagnant energy exits through my legs. A few days ago, I experienced a big expansion in my dahn-jon and my leg became completely numb. An interesting thing is that as soon as I finish my breathing and stretch my legs, it starts to disappear. Usually when I have numb legs, it becomes worse as I stretch my legs. Yet, when it happens during the dahn-jon breathing, it disappears in a minute after the legs are stretched.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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