Breathing Training Day-11

When I start breathing, the quality of my energy in dahn-jon is usually confined and heavy. I cannot expand my lower abdomen. It feels like all the practices that I’ve done so far were in vain.

Yet, soon after starting breathing, the energy changes and it becomes smoother and warmer. My lower abdomen becomes soft and easily expands. My breathing becomes deeper and softer.

My warming up time is getting shorter. This morning, I could feel my abdomen expand deeply after a few breaths. Also, my imaginary lid on myeong-mun disappeared. Instead, I could open the hole on my lower back by stretching the slit to the left and right side. It’s not a physical opening. Everything happens in etheric level. I don’t need to close myeong-mun each breath. It stays open like nostrils on my nose. 

During the energy exchange, I felt energy in my chest flow down to my abdomen a few times. Also a cool sensation on top of my head (crown, beak-hwe) a few times. Yet, I didn’t distract myself by those phenomena because they are not my focus now. My attention resided in my dahn-jon.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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