100 Day Breathing Training (8/7-11/17/23)

Yesterday and today, I woke up right after 4am. My alarm was set for 5:30 am but my internal clock woke me up before the alarm. Yesterday I resisted and stayed in my bed. Yet, this morning I got out of bed and practiced meditation. My memories about breathing techniques came back. My mind was calm and clear. I didn’t feel any awkwardness while I was performing the breathing.

Meditation and the breathing training was a part of my life while I was working at Tao Fellowship. Since I left the organization, I drifted away from those intensive practices. This morning, as I breathed, I could feel my body was not ready for the profound training. I only confirmed how far I was moved away from those training. It motivated me to commit to this meditation and breathing.

I decided to do breathing practice for 100 days. First, I need to build the foundation. I will write my progress in this journal.

My awareness will stay in my dahnjon. Dahnjon means an internal human energy farm or field.

If anything distracts my connection to dahnjon, I will avoid them. If anything supports my connection, I will repeat them. It includes thoughts, words, actions, exercises, food, drink, music, TV/videos, places, visits, relationships.

Before I speak, I will let the words stay in my dahnjon and charge them with energy. If it’s not necessary to speak, I will let dahnjon blaze the words instead of releasing them out of my mouth.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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