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About Me

What is a meaningful life for you?

Everybody wants to improve the quality of his/her life. However, we have diverse definitions of “a better life.” A better life can be a life with good health, wealth, good relationships, spirituality or anything that support his/her personal value.

How about you?
What life is a better life for you?
What is a meaningful life for you?

To me, a meaningful life is the life benefiting more people around me.

In order to create a better life, I’ve trained myself to recognize the higher potential of others and support them to move beyond their limiting beliefs. My superpowers are Inspiring, Empowering and Energizing People around Me.

A Little More About Me

My name is Shawn Sungwook Lee(이성욱). I was born and raised in South Korea. I’ve practiced meditation and Energy Body-Work since I was 15 years old. After I graduated Seoul National University, I had worked at a spiritual organization which was based in Sedona, AZ for 19 years and I had taught meditation, ancient Eastern Spirituality and retreat programs for self-mastery.

In 2015, I quit my full-time job at the organization since I felt that I couldn’t contribute to the vision of the organization anymore, even though I had met tens of thousands of wonderful people and grown a lot through the experiences. A year later, I moved to the island of Kauai, Hawaii and married with my beloved wife, Mary McKinley-Lee whom I met at the organization.

*A Related Article: Two Big Decisions that have changed my life’s direction

My Online Journal

When I designed my version 3.0 website, I had two major purposes and one of them was writing down my internal growth. I had a strong sense that I needed to prepare a space for storing my journals. I used to like writing a journal but later I realized that it’s hard to carry all the physical notebooks and hard to find the articles later.

Soon, I figured out that Blog can be a perfect platform that I can write my journals. They can be set as “Public” or “Private”; can be accessed from any place in the world; can be searched by keyword within a second. How cool it is! I open most of my journal to share my experiences with other young people who are searching for the Truth as I did.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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